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How do Negative Ions promote the activation nature of fermentation?


How do Negative Ions promote the activation nature of fermentation?


The efficacy of negative ions lies in aiming at regulating the acid base of blood, and acid normalization of cells. The result is to make the main part of the cell’s interior metabolism activate a fermentation process. Fermentation is very active; and without fermentation there is no life force. In order to activate fermentation, a suitable blood pH is absolutely necessary, as the pH of blood determines the proper acidity of cells. Cleansing the blood and maintaining blood alkalinity are very important for our health. The effect of the liver is just like fermentation; to make the blood more alkaline. Activating the blood through fermentation can improve the function of the liver. Another reason to increase the function of fermentation is the increase of urea in blood. Urea is a metabolic product of meat (protein), which is discharged from the kidney. Therefore, eating excessive meat will damage the function of the liver because of urea synthesis. Increase of urea in the blood will poll

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.