How do u remove a torque converter from the engine (inline 4) on a 1998 ford ranger?
Remove the drive shaft. Support the engine because it will want to drop down when the cross member/rear engine mount is removed. Remove the rear engine mount and transmission. Remove the starter. Remove the bell housing. Remove the inspection plate. Now you should be able to see the torque converter as well as the flex-plate and starter ring. The torque converter is bolted to the flex-plate. If you move to the front of the flex-plate and inspect it you should see some nuts around the outside of the plate. These nuts hold the torque converter. As you remove the nuts you will have to lever the flex plate around to bring each successive nut down to the 6 o’clock position for removal. After all the nuts are removed the converter will fall out. A piece of rope or a strong wire is a good idea to hold it in place while you remove the nuts. I check my mail at least twice a day. If you get into trouble and want my help, just drop me a line.