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How Do You Become A Trustworthy Person?


How Do You Become A Trustworthy Person?


Are you having severe trust issues with everyone around you? Do people tell you that you gossip and lie so much they can’t trust you? You’ve come to the right article, and hopefully people will know you as trustworthy in no time!! • Accept whatever gave you the title: “not trustworthy” was wrong to do. Make it consciously clear that it loses trust from the ones you care about. You might be feeling quite bad and need help. Making that conscious decision is the very first step. • Move AWAY from the gossip clan. Gossiping clans make sure you take turns to dish out garbage about those NOT in the gossip clan. Once it’s your turn, you’d probably hurt someone’s feelings while you tell them everything. • If your best friend/friends are in the clan and you can’t say no, while they are talking, sneak out or make an excuse to get away from them. If all else fails, just think about how that person you are talking about would feel and just tell your friends you’ve got nothing. • Make yourself PURPO


• Accept whatever gave you the title: “not trustworthy” was wrong to do. Make it consciously clear that it loses trust from the ones you care about. You might be feeling quite bad and need help. Making that conscious decision is the very first step. • Move AWAY from the gossip clan. Gossiping clans make sure you take turns to dish out garbage about those NOT in the gossip clan. Once it’s your turn, you’d probably hurt someone’s feelings while you tell them everything. • If your best friend/friends are in the clan and you can’t say no, while they are talking, sneak out or make an excuse to get away from them. If all else fails, just think about how that person you are talking about would feel and just tell your friends you’ve got nothing. • Make yourself PURPOSELY LAME for the gossip factor. Keep on telling them stupid things like “Didn’t Britney have a child, yet??” Your friends will think you’re not a good “gossip source’ and kindly dump you from the gossip group. This may be hard, bu

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