How Do You Care For An Australian Shepherd?
At least 3 times a week, the wool of the Australian Shepherd is combed, otherwise you will tirelessly collect hair from clothes and furniture. In addition, in the absence of proper care, the Australian Shepherd’s coat gets tangled, getting rid of which will be quite problematic.
Examine your Australian Shepherd daily for wounds, cuts and other injuries – these dogs are not inclined to take care of themselves.
Check your Aussie ears twice a week and clean them with special lotions (hypoallergenic) if necessary.
The Australian Shepherd’s eyes also need care. Healthy eyes are clean, without crusts, ulcers and irritations. After work, the Aussies rub their eyes with a clean cloth soaked in water. You can read more in the facts about the Australian Shepherd
“Hi I’m Nancy Frensley and I am with the Berkeley East Bay Humane Society. I’m the training manager and we’re in Berkeley, California. I’m here to talk about the Australian Shepherd and I just happen to have an Australian Shepherd here with me. Her name is Lolly and she is my dog. The Australian Shepherd is a herding dog of first caliber. They are great herders and they also are versatile in that they can do all sorts of dog sports and they make great family pets. So your basic Australian Shepherd and the variety or she is, is a black tri-color. You may also see them in the mottled color, it’s called merle. So if you want to care for your Australian Shepherd. They have high energy. They need a lot of exercise and they need a lot of mental exercise. This is a dog that really wants to do things for you so they enjoy training, they enjoy doing tricks.