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How Do You Get Microsoft Excel Hints And Tips?

Excel hints Microsoft tips

How Do You Get Microsoft Excel Hints And Tips?


Microsoft Excel is such a powerful tool that it would clearly be missing out on computer basics if you did not know how to use it. Most people unaware of its functions would dismiss Microsoft Excel, thinking that learning it should be left to accountants who usually use spreadsheets for their jobs. But this should not be, as a lot of tasks can be done in relative ease with the use of this proprietary tool invented by Microsoft. • Modify the save settings of Microsoft Excel. Even before attempting to do anything important on Microsoft Excel, you will need to save it first. This is to avoid problems such as loss of data that typically happens, especially if there are power surges in your area. But have you ever noticed how Microsoft Excel seems to choose the save location for your data randomly? This is most likely caused by having a default save folder set in the productivity tool. To address this problem, click on the Tools tab on an opened Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. You will notice

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