How Do You Get Rid Of Pigeons & Starlings?
Pigeons have become pests in many urban areas. They make a mess of doorways, windowsills and the ground around buildings. Before attempting an eradication program, property owners should know that the most effective program is not killing the birds; that course of action will only bring more birds. Starlings are a non-native, invasive species in the lower 48 states. They steal the nesting sites of native birds and kill their young. While the birds do not have any federal protection, they may be protected by local bird sanctuary ordinances. Avoid the use of fake owls. Pigeons understand that an inanimate object is no threat to them and will not be frightened away by something that doesn’t move. Opt for roost modification over lethal control. Pigeons are highly intelligent, highly evolved to coexist with humans and will easily replenish their numbers should a small number of them be killed. PiCAS (Pigeon Control Advisory Service) USA reports that culling pigeons is, in fact, the largest