How Do You Perform A Full Twisting Layout?
A full twisting layout is a level five gymnastics skill. The tumbling is composed of a full layout with a single twist. A layout is a somersault performed with your body straight. The twist is performed by dropping one shoulder, which rotates your body sideways as you somersault. Begin in the corner of a gymnastics floor or at the end of a long tumbling mat. Make a running start and perform a cartwheel that moves into a back flip to gain the momentum needed to perform the full twisting layout. Drop your right shoulder first and turn your head to face the right. Repeat Step 3 with the left shoulder, and move your left hand over so it’s close to your right hip. These shoulder drops and head rotation create the full twist in the layout position. Straighten your shoulders and raise your arms to stop the twist and stop your momentum so you can land the layout.