How Do You Plan A Budget Las Vegas Trip?
Las Vegas is a fun place to spend a weekend, or a few days for a vacation. However, many people think they cannot afford a trip to Vegas without breaking the bank. You don’t have to pay full price for food or drinks. However, you can make the trip for a fraction of the cost. All you have to do is plan ahead. Determine your budget. How much money do you have to spend for the whole trip? How much are you willing to spend per night on a hotel? What are your limits for airfare? Do you have a food budget? Are you going to gamble? If so, how much are you budgeting? Are you planning of drinking, going to shows or clubs? Take your over all budget. Subtract the maximum airfare and lodging fees. What remains is your food, gambling, and entertainment budget. If you find cheaper accommodations for your flight and lodging, you will have more money to play with, but that is the reason you go with worst case scenario first. It is better to over budget than to under budget. Find your perfect hotel. Yo