How Do You Plan To Get Everyone In The Wedding Party To The Church On Time?
• Plan to get ready together ahead of time. • Have the wedding party come to a central location to prepare well before the ceremony starts. This will ensure they will be at the church on time. It will also help avoid the inconvenience of wedding party members loosing track of time or simply not being ready. To make matters even easier, you could arrange to get ready at the church so that everyone is already there hours before the ceremony is scheduled to start. That way, if members of the wedding party are late to get ready, there is nothing lost and there is still plenty of time before the ceremony. • Invite the wedding party to a prewedding meal. • You could invite the wedding party to the church early for either a breakfast or lunch, depending on the time of day your wedding is scheduled. Everyone loves to eat and, since it could be a long time before their next meal at the reception, a prewedding meal could be quite appealing. Make it something easy so as not to put any added stres