How Do You Prepare For Oklahoma Tornado Season?
In truth, all year is pretty much tornado season in Oklahoma. But the prime conditions begin around late March and go through August in a typical year. Oklahoma City, in fact, has more tornado strikes than any other city in the United States. Here are some tips to help prepare you for the tornado season, some of which could possibly save your life.Difficulty: AverageTime Required: VariesHere’s How: • Prepare Your Tornado Plan – Just as schools and offices have specific plans in the case of a tornado, so should you for your home. The first thing you need to do is designate your “shelter room.” If your house doesn’t have an underground storm shelter, you should choose the area that is the lowest, smallest and most central. Often this is a cellar or basement, or it could be a central hallway or bathroom. Make sure you are as far as possible from outside walls and windows. • Know the Dangers of Mobile Homes – For those living in mobile homes, your tornado plan should take you to a preselec