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How Do You Put A Cell Phone Charm On An LG Env?


How Do You Put A Cell Phone Charm On An LG Env?


Putting a charm on an LG enV cell phone is a pastime among preteen and teenage call-phone users. As a popular cell-phone model, the sight of several LG enV phones can prove to be a bit confusing when users get together. A way you can differentiate one phone from another — and show your style — is to affix a distinctive charm to the phone. Turn off the cell phone. You don’t want to accidentally call or text someone while putting the charm on the cell phone. Locate the charm loop holder on the LG enV. Because there are so many different LG enV models, it’s best to review the user manual to locate the charm loop holder on your phone’s model. Hold the charm in one hand and allow the charm string to dangle. Using your thumb and index finger, gently pinch the outer side of both sides of the string. Run your fingers down the string until you come to the end of the charm string. Pinch the end of the string together until it comes to a point. You want to create a smooth, pointed edge, similar

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