How does a pipeline operator determine if a leak or rupture has occurred?
Many leak detection systems and methods are used in the operation of pipelines, and, generally, a single pipeline will employ several of these. For example, sensitive instruments are monitored to detect conditions such as a drop in pressure or a change in the flow rate that might indicate a rupture. Also, lines are frequently inspected on foot, by car, or from aircraft. Leaks rarely occur but many that do are the result of damage caused by someone digging near the pipeline. Most of these damages can be prevented by notifying the pipeline operator or by calling the national 8-1-1 one-call system before beginning an excavation to determine the location of nearby pipelines. The pipeline operator will determine and mark the specific location of the pipeline relative to the location of the planned excavation. Remember, there may be numerous pipelines in the vicinity of a pipeline marker at different depths.