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How does a product stay fresh if it doesn’t have paraben or some other chemical preservative?

10 Posted

How does a product stay fresh if it doesn’t have paraben or some other chemical preservative?


The chemical preservatives are cheap and easy. They benefit the manufacturer, not the consumer, by increasing shelf life and profits. That is why they are used. Harmful chemical preservatives are not, however, the only route to product stability. Many essential oils have an anti-microbial and anti-fungal action in products. A side benefit is their lovely, nontoxic fragrance. Product formulations can contribute to stability too. Some ingredients are compatible with each other and some aren’t. It is possible through ionic chemistry to determine beneficial combinations. If all the ingredients work together well, the product will be more stable. Organically and bio-dynamically grown plant constituents are pure, rich in nutrients, and hold high life force energy. These characteristics in turn create product stability. Colloidal silver and gold can also be used as anti-microbial and anti-viral ingredients to help stabilize products. Packaging is another way to preserve products. Airtight con

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