How Does Mold Grow?
Mold will grow in places where any water/moisture intrusion has occurred, such as roofs, pipes, walls, plant pots, or where there has been flood damage. Many building materials can encourage mold growth once they get wet. Wet cellulose materials, like paper and paper products, cardboard, ceiling tiles, wood and wood products are all conducive to mold growth. Many building materials can support growth once water is introduced.Most often mold spores and a food source are already present. Once a water/moisture intrusion has occurred or elevated RH levels affect an area mold growth may start as soon as 24 hours. Optimal conditions for mold growth occur between 32 and 104 Fahrenheit. Optimal Relative Humidity levels for mold growth are usually above 60%: however some types of mold may grow with levels as low as 40%When environments with mold growth become dry, fungi survive by going dormant or by producing mold spores that resist drying out for long periods of time. The tiny spores travel t