How does occupational therapy differ from other health professions?
Occupational therapy is a health profession dedicated to helping people participate fully in life. When people are faced with overcoming the effects of delay, deprivation, trauma, or stress, occupational therapists help them engage in occupations or everyday activities that are personally meaningful, socially satisfying, and culturally relevant. When occupational therapists focus on the pattern of occupations and the ways in which occupations shape people’s lives, they act as agents of prevention, education, and restoration.What is satisfying about this career? The most satisfying aspect of an occupational therapy career is making a positive impact on the way people live their lives. Occupational therapists must be excellent observers of human behavior, good problem-solvers, great listeners, and persistent advocates for their clients. They find the most effective means of collaborating with their clients to achieve meaningful solutions. Effective occupational therapists display a combi