How does optimization work?
The TrialPay checkout is designed to maximize the total payout to our merchants. Our proprietary optimization system matches users with the best offers based on historic conversion rates, your unique customer traffic and variable payouts from each offer. TrialPay uses this data to optimize the offers displayed on an individual merchant level. The net result is to show customers offers that yield the highest “expected value” for you. We know that each merchant’s user base is unique and we optimize offers specifically for your customers to ensure the best results. For example, if a credit card offer pays $50 but has a conversion rate of 1% and an entertainment offer (such as DVD rental) pays $20 but has conversion of 5%, then the DVD rental will net twice the amount of the credit card. You would receive only $50 for every hundred customers we send through the credit card offer vs. $100 for every hundred customers who choose the DVD rental offer. The TrialPay optimization system automatic
Optimization generates multiple design solutions and compares to an expert design rules database, compiled by the Power Integrations engineering staff. The Optimization engine seeks the minimum design solution that meets, or exceeds, the limits specified in this database. Power Integrations recommends that all design solutions be constructed and performance verified to your specific requirements. This includes independent verification of safety, thermal and system reliability.
Without the use of the optimize keyword (default), GCL will first copy the frame layer to the output, then the background layer, and finally the counter layer. That means the colors of the frame layer have top priority, while the colors of the counter layer have least priority. This is probably not what you want.
The TrialPay payment platform is designed to maximize the total payout to our sellers. Our sophisticated Optimization Engine matches customers with individually targeted offers from premier brands. Key data points, such as gender, browser type, IP address, historic conversion rates and geographic location, determine which offers are mostly likely to convert with the highest transaction value. And you can import customer attributes to tailor offers even more. For example, if a credit card offer pays $50 but has a conversion rate of 1% and an entertainment offer (such as a music service) pays $20 but has conversion of 5%, then the music service will net twice the amount of the credit card. You would receive only $50 for every hundred customers we send through the credit card offer versus $100 for every hundred customers who choose the music service offer. TrialPay’s Optimization Engine automatically selects the higher payout option for you!