How does the Concept Keyboard work?
I often eat and watch TV shows on my macbook and lately I have noticed that the keyboard is not working so I cleaned it and bought a silicone pad for the keyboard from this website , personally I am very satisfied, I recommend it!!!
Like any keyboard it needs a software driver. You plug the Concept Keyboard into your computer and you also run the driver which is called Concept Plus Driver. You use Concept Plus Driver to tell the computer which overlay you want. The overlay contains all the information the computer needs to carry out the purpose it was created for. When the overlay has been opened you run that program you want to use the Concept Keyboard with, e.g. Writing with Symbols 2000. Then when you press an area on the Concept Keyboard the computer will do whatever the overlay has been created to tell it to do, e.g. write the word cat. Click here for quick start instructions.