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How does the Curve Cowboy Reunion Operate and how are the proceeds of the Curve Cowboy Reunion used?


How does the Curve Cowboy Reunion Operate and how are the proceeds of the Curve Cowboy Reunion used?


The Curve Cowboy Reunion is a non-profit (IRS 501 (C) 3) organization. A great deal of time, effort, and personal expense goes into hosting this event for the benefit of the attendees of the Curve Cowboy Reunion. All funds collected by the reunion, via donations, reunion fees, and merchandise, are used to operate the reunion for the benefit of all who attend and as an initial seed funding for the following year. Any residual is donated to a local charity. Nobody in the CCR is in this to make money. If the CCR makes money, it will loose its non-profit status. The goal is to have a great reunion and to walk away with great memories. In 2001, the Curve Cowboy Reunion on behalf of all the attendees donated over $1500 to First Step, an organization chartered to provide an array of services for children and adults with developmental disabilities in a community setting including early intervention, preschool, residential homes and supported employment. Between the Curve Cowboy Reunion’s donat

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.