How does the QIECC identify issues for discussion?
The QIECC identifies issues for discussion through a number of forums. The community, education sectors and systems, as well as the State and Commonwealth Ministers responsible for education provide issues for the Committee’s consideration and/or action through the QIECC Secretariat. Individual members might also put forward matters to be considered, based on feedback from their own communities. Issues raised with the Secretariat are discussed with the Chair for consideration as Agenda items. Topics are considered in the context of the QIECC Strategic and Operational Plan. Where issues are approved for inclusion on the agenda, the QIECC Secretariat will coordinate the development of a Discussion paper and/or relevant reports, articles or other documents to be tabled at the meeting. This Discussion paper will generally provide the Committee members with the background and current situation of the issue, impact and other related issues, and where necessary recommendation to the QIECC. Wh