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How far can fuzzy logic go???


How far can fuzzy logic go???


Just from the examples given previously, it is clear that fuzzy logic can be used in numerous applications. It can appear almost anyplace where computers and modern control theory are overly precise as well as in tasks requiring delicate human intuition and experience-based knowledge. What does the future hold? Consider, the example below which is currently undergoing intensive research in OMRON Research Center, Japan. It may seem obvious that babies nowadays don’t drink the way it is described in child care books. They may drink a little or a lot depending on their physical condition, mood, and other factors. But if a fuzzy-logic program can be created that would recommend how much to feed the baby, mothers would have an easier time raising the child. The basis of the research is to develop a program to determine the appropriate amount of milk to feed the child according to a knowledge base that includes the child’s personality, physical condition, and some environmental factors. This

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.