How has the numbering capacity of the ISBN system been expanded?
The numbering capacity is being expanded by introducing the second ISBN prefix, ‘979’, into the global marketplace. Think of introducing ‘979’ as analogous to introducing a new area code for books. Now, instead of only one area code (‘978’), there are two (‘978’ and ‘979’). When this occurs, the same 9 digit core will be used with both ‘978’ and ‘979’ ISBNs.For example, two ISBNs (potentially from different publishers) will share the same middle 9 digits. The only difference between the two numbers would be the prefixes (one would be ‘978’, one ‘979’) and the check digits.978-123456789-X979-123456789-0Once this occurs, an ISBN will not be unique unless the ‘978’ and ‘979’ prefixes are used. This is why it is critical that all systems (both paper-based and computer-based) be able to accommodate the full 13 digit identifier by January 1, 2007.
The numbering capacity is being expanded by introducing the second ISBN prefix, ‘979’, into the global marketplace. Think of introducing ‘979’ as analogous to introducing a new area code for books. Now, instead of only one area code (‘978’), there are two (‘978’ and ‘979’). When this occurs, the same 9 digit core will be used with both ‘978’ and ‘979’ ISBNs. For example, two ISBNs (potentially from different publishers) will share the same middle 9 digits. The only difference between the two numbers would be the prefixes (one would be ‘978’, one ‘979’) and the check digits. 978-123456789-X 979-123456789-0 Once this occurs, an ISBN will not be unique unless the ‘978’ and ‘979’ prefixes are used. This is why it is critical that all systems (both paper-based and computer-based) be able to accommodate the full 13 digit identifier by January 1, 2007.