How important is diagnosis of the type of cancer?
SPDT/SDT is not very dependant on knowledge of the type of cancer. What our doctors do need to know is the size and approximate location of the primary tumour (if still present), and to have a general indication of where metastases may be. This information is usually available from scans, from photodynamic diagnosis, and from our doctor’s knowledge of typical cancer migration pathways. Conventional therapies need to know the above and a lot more. Chemotherapy and hormone therapy are dependant on accurate diagnosis of the type of cancer. Radiation therapy and surgery are both dependant on an accurate knowledge of where the tumours are.
SPDT/SDT is not very dependant on knowledge of the type of cancer. What our doctors do need to know is the size and approximate location of the primary tumour (if still present), and to have a general indication of where metastases may be. This information is usually available from scans, from photodynamic diagnosis, and from our doctor’s knowledge of typical cancer migration pathways. Conventional therapies need to know the above and a lot more. Chemotherapy and hormone therapy are dependant on accurate diagnosis of the type of cancer. Radiation therapy and surgery are both dependant on an accurate knowledge of where the tumours are.