How long can a cat go without food or water?
A cat can survive without food much longer than humans can. He can lose as much as 40 percent of his body weight and survive. Water, though, is entirely a different matter. A 10 to 14 percent loss of the total water in a cat’s body is fatal. Dehydration in cats can be a very serious matter. Dehydration must be addressed immediately and, if left untreated, can cause multiple health problems, including organ failure and death. A lot water is the best way to replace fluids, but a severely dehydrated cat should not be allowed to intake large amounts at once. This will result in vomiting and a further loss of fluids. Let the cat drink small amounts over a period of time. Electrolytes can be replaced with a hydrating solution. Pedialyte, a water and electrolyte product sold for human infants, is suitable for cats. Any cat that seems dehydrated or refuses to drink should be seen by a veterinarian immediately to determine appropriate treatment. Why are kittens born with their ears folded? Cats