How long is the incubation period for “Mad Cow” Disease in humans (also called CJD)?
It is estimated that it may be as long as 20-40 years. But teen-agers and young children have also died of it. So it can occur much more rapidly than previously thought. An infected cow shows the symptoms of BSE four to seven years after the time of infection. How are the government and the cattle industry trying to “muzzle” truth-tellers about the risks of Mad Cow Disease to the population of America? Certain states, including Texas, have passed Food Disparagement Acts. Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado and North Dakota corporate growers of vegetables and fruits have won passage of laws making it a crime to falsely denigrate fruits and vegetables. Then the corporate farming industry in conjunction with the government, conspire to cover-up, distort and withhold the facts from the public. So a whistle-blower who is telling the truth, trying to warn the public, is a “sitting duck” for a law suit. The cattle industry sued Oprah Winfrey and her guest, Cattle Rancher Howard Lyman, because they told