How many Soil Salinity Sensors can the Smart Logger read?
The Smart logger has 250 channels as standard. It does not need any extension. The first 62 channels are identified as letters or numbers such as A, a or 1, 2, 3. From channel 63 onwards the identification is a Unicode character entered in hexadecimal as opposed to a common number or letter. Expandable to 250 channels means that when you are programming the sensor interface (hence sensor) with its identification using HyperTerminal, you will use a Unicode character for channel 63 and above as opposed to a common (ASCII) letter or number for the first 62 channels. The Smart logger can take 250 sensors as it is delivered to you standard. For example, it could record 250 soil temperature sensors simultaneously. However in the case of the salinity sensor there is both a conductivity measurement and a temperature measurement being made by the sensor and the sensor interface in order to determine the soil salinity value corrected to 25 degrees C. If you wish to store and display only the sal