How much can a dialysis clinic charge Medicare as a primary payer for support services to a Method II PD patient?
In addition to those things that a clinic must provide to any patient on any home treatment, clinics that offer PD must also: • Change the connecting tube (also referred to as an “administration set”). • Watch the patient perform PD and assure that it is done correctly. This includes reviewing the patient’s technique for anything he/she may have forgotten and training the patient how to use a new apparatus or technique. • Document if the patient has or has had peritonitis that requires physician intervention or hospitalization (there is no need for a culture if there is no evidence of peritonitis. • Inspect the PD catheter exit site. Support services are paid on a reasonable charge basis to independent facilities and a reasonable cost basis to hospital-based facilities. A reasonable cost determination must be made for each individual support service furnished to PD patients. Medicare allows dialysis clinics to charge $121.15 for support services to a PD patient. Lab services and suppli
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