How Sensitive Is the INSTITM HIV-1 Antibody Point-of-Care Test for Detecting Acute HIV Infections?
Mark Gilbert, Physician Epidemiologist Mel Krajden, Director, Hepatitis Services Darrel Cook, Consultant, Hepatitis Services Understanding the window periods of different types of HIV tests is important in order to interpret test results appropriately and counsel clients effectively. Point-of-care (POC) HIV tests typically provide an HIV test result within minutes, and are considered equivalent to 3rd generation Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA) tests for the detection of established HIV infections (3rd generation EIA tests are used as screening tests in standard laboratory HIV test protocols). However, recent reports have demonstrated that POC HIV test products vary in their ability to detect individuals with acute or early HIV infection, due to differences in the window period between test products. 1,2,3,4 These findings underscore the importance of understanding the window periods of different HIV tests, in order to provide accurate information to clients undergoing HIV testing. Furthermore