Including your e-mail address or a URL at the end of a sentence worries some people because of the potential confusion between dots in the address and the full stop. It’s a matter of choice how you resolve this. The following are nice: [no terminal full stop] . . As with all grammatical problems, the safest solution is to rewrite the sentence so that it no longer becomes a problem. It was previously suggested by Malcolm Austen that a dot at the end is allowed. However, Tony Finch writes: This is wrong. The syntax in RFCs 821 and 822 does not allow for terminating dots in email addresses; the DNS itself does though, and gives them the [former] meaning in the ox.FAQ. The relevant bit of 822 is: domain = sub-domain *(“.” sub-domain) sub-domain = domain-ref / domain-literal domain-ref = atom ; symbolic reference atom = 1* specials = “(” / “)