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How should schools monitor and review progress?

monitor progress review schools
10 Posted

How should schools monitor and review progress?


primary welfare officers should document their work as a way of encouraging critical reflection as well as assisting in the monitoring and review of the Primary Welfare Officer Initiative. There are a number of ways in which primary welfare officers can keep comprehensive qualitative records whilst maintaining student confidentiality, such as: • Primary Welfare Officer Annual Report to School Council that provides information concerning primary welfare officer key roles and responsibilities; activities; expected outcomes as well as any anticipated changes to the primary welfare officer role in the following year; • Primary Welfare Officer Action Strategy template (PDF – 19Kb) that allows for both strategic planning and the documenting of primary welfare officer work; and • primary welfare officer weekly diary that records activities, outcomes and reflections in an action research type approach. In addition, the following key measures contained within the School Strategic Plan, provide

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