How to prepare for IAS exam and wherewhat are the best coaching centres?
The essential ingredient of succeeding on an exam is the knowledge of the contents and structure of the exam and the process. The UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) of India conducts the IAS exam. The three-step process is: Preliminary Exam (Prelims), Main Exam (Mains), and Interview. The Prelims are composed of two tests of two hours each. The General Studies (GS) test contains 150 objective, multiple-choice questions. It primarily covers six topics: the constitution of India, history, geography, economics, science, and current affairs. The second test is on a subject chosen, from among the 23 subjects, by the candidate. This objective, multiple-choice test contains 120 questions. The GS and second test are worth 150 and 300 points, respectively. The Prelims are used as a screening mechanism for reaching the next phase of the Mains. Approximately 200,000 candidates appear for the Prelims and less than 20,000 qualify for the Mains. The number of candidates for the Prelims is about