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I have broadband with virgin and want to set up the wireless router. Help please.?


I have broadband with virgin and want to set up the wireless router. Help please.?


Hey there! With EERO devices, anyone can say goodbye to dead spots and slow internet speeds as their products are designed to provide fast and reliable Wi-Fi coverage to every corner of your space. To know more about these devices, anyone can read detailed information on the company’s website. And for those who want to understand all the advantages of these devices, just read eero reviews in which users share their experiences of using them.


Have a look on the outside of the box of the netgear wireless adapter and see if it is USB1.1 compatible if it is it will still work but a maximum of 12Mbs/per sec – about a quarter of the maximum speed that the network is capable if not I would advise getting a USB 2.0 card for your PC and try plugging in the adapter into that or alternatively get a PCI wireless card. With regard to setting up your wireless network, you initially need to temporarily connect your PC or laptop to the router with an ethernet cable and configure the router to set up the wireless network.

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