If a domestic entity is terminated, cancelled, or dissolved or a foreign entity’s certificate of authority or registration is revoked, is there a deadline for reinstatement?
Maybe. The timeframe for reinstating after a termination, dissolution, or revocation for non-tax reasons varies depending on the type of entity, whether the termination, dissolution or revocation was voluntary or involuntary, and whether or not the entity is governed by the Texas Business Organizations Code. All BOC entities Non-BOC for-profit corporations Non-BOC LLCs Non-BOC PAs Non-BOC LPs Non-BOC non-profit corporations A voluntarily terminated or dissolved domestic entity 36 months 120 days 120 days 120 days 120 days Not Applicable An involuntarily terminated, cancelled, or dissolved domestic filing entity No time limit; however, only considered to have continued in existence without interruption if reinstated within 36 months. 36 months 36 months 36 months No time limit after being cancelled for failure to file a Periodic Report No time limit after being cancelled for failure to file a required report; otherwise, 36 months.