Indoors or Outdoors?
If possible, keep your cats indoors only. Those cats who roam are in danger of being hit by a car, attacked by dogs, poisoned, shot, trapped, or fighting with other animals. Providing a variety of toys, perches to view the outdoors and other interests within your household will provide enough stimulation for most cats. For those cats that still indicate interest in the outdoors, observed time outdoors is an alternative. Supervised time in the backyard for 1/2 hour while you are gardening, for example, may offer interested cats enough of the great outdoors. For those cats that want to roam beyond your backyard, it is essential to have them spayed/neutered, appropriate vaccines and clear identification (we recommend a tagged collar and an implanted ID microchip). ID chips are injected under the skin between shoulder blades and, after completing the registration, are a permanent form of identification.