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Is a mixture of Freestyle Wrestling and Wing Chun good for self defence?


Is a mixture of Freestyle Wrestling and Wing Chun good for self defence?


I’d just do Wing Chun. Depends really, I thought doing Tomiki Aikido and Karate would be good self-defense, but everyone keeps saying, depends how you train, and depends on the situation. I think their right, all you need to remember is: Kick to the groin, Slap to the ear, and punch in the neck. Wins mostly every time :D. But yeah, do Wing Chun, and maybe some BJJ, because Freestyling Wrestling (It looks kindof dangerous to be using on the streets, for you aswell as the opponent, you don’t want to be throwing yourself and your opponent onto the rock solid ground. So, I’d take BJJ because you learn controlling takedowns, by taking their legs and then holding them into a submission.

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