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Is analog signal pass-through a required feature? What are the NTIA requirements if a manufacturer wants to add an analog signal pass-through feature to an approved CECB?


Is analog signal pass-through a required feature? What are the NTIA requirements if a manufacturer wants to add an analog signal pass-through feature to an approved CECB?


NOTE: This response has been updated as of April, 2008. NTIA’s specifications do not require an analog signal pass-through feature. Technical Appendix 2 states that “equipment may pass through a NTSC analog signal from the antenna to the TV receiver;” or include a “by-pass switch to permit NTSC pass-through.” As stated in paragraphs 49-50 of the preamble to the NTIA Final Rule adopting the DTV Converter Coupon Program, “NTIA strongly urges manufacturers to take into consideration the needs of consumers to receive analog television along with digital television in the development of CECBs and to investigate minimal signal loss solutions that would ensure an acceptable analog signal pass-through. In the Final Rule, NTIA permits approved converter boxes to pass through the analog signal from the antenna to the TV receiver,” 72 Fed. Reg. 12097, 12104 (2007). If an analog pass-through feature is included in a converter box, there is no requirement that the RF input from the antenna be simul

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.