Is Britney Spears the Anti-Christ?
of the story, and if you’re pretending that you don’t then you’re lying through your closet boy band loving teeth. Of course, you know I’m talking about Britney Spears; mother of two, ex-wife to two, multi-platinum recording artist, active member of C.A.P. (Celebrities Against Panties) and most notoriously known as the Anti-Christ. Yes, I said Anti-Christ. I’ve often wondered what shape and form the Anti-Christ will come in. For years I thought it may be in a form that wasn’t obvious to us, such as a rogue computer system, but after this past week I’ve put my suspicions to rest. I have identified, with confidence, that the Anti-Christ is none other than former mouseketeer Britney Jean Spears. For those of you that don’t watch television, listen to the radio, or surf the Internet (if you’re reading this then something tells me that you do surf the Internet) then you may have missed the story about the latest paparazzi shots of Britney Spears exiting a car in a short skirt and flashing h