Is code released under the W3C license compatible with the GNU General Public License (GPL)?
Software which is free from any claims beyond W3C terms and conditions are compatible with the GPL and may be redistributed under the GPL. The GPL ensures users always have the ability to run, change, or redistribute software with or without changes; it also prevents such software from being bundled with closed/proprietary software such that users lose their rights to that free code in the new product. The W3C is compatible with this license and can be redistributed while complying with both the W3C and GPL software license! Additionally, the W3C license permits W3C code to be used in other (non-copyleft) licenses or even proprietary software.
Software that is free from any claims beyond W3C terms and conditions is compatible with the GNU General Public License (GPL) and may be redistributed under the GPL. The GPL ensures users always have the ability to run, change, or redistribute software with or without changes; it also prevents such software from being bundled with closed/proprietary software such that users lose their rights to that free code in the new product. The W3C is compatible with this license and can be redistributed while complying with both the W3C and GPL software license.