Is eating a apple, tangerine and banana too much sugar for one day?
It is if you eat them all at the same time. A diabetic should eat two portions of fruit a day (a non-diabetic can have 2-4 portions). A portion of fruit is the size of a tennis ball. That means that if you eat an apple, it should be about the size of a tennis ball. If you eat grapes, think of how many grapes would fit in the size of a tennis ball. That’s one portion. BT, one banana counts for TWO portions. Even though fruit contains natural sugar, if you eat too much of it, your blood sugar will go up, and it will do so very quickly. Then it will come crashing down quickly. The best thing to do so this doesn’t happen, is: Choose fruit high in fiber. Never eat fruit by itself. Eat something else with it (like penuts, yogurt, piece of cheese, etc). Don’t eat several portions at the same time.
The diet for diabetes does not mean a ‘sugar free’ diet. Sugar can be eaten as part of a balanced, healthy diet without having a harmful effect on blood glucose control. However, you should still try to cut down on sugary foods and drinks since eating them has implications for tooth decay, weight control and the overall balance of your diet. People with diabetes can eat any kind of fruit, regardless of the sugar content. Everyone is encouraged to eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables every day. Spreading the fruit you eat through the day will avoid a sudden rise in blood glucose levels. Although some fruits have a lower glycaemic index, which shows how foods affect blood glucose levels, the important thing is to increase the amount of fruit you eat, including a wide variety of different fruits. All fruit and vegetables are extremely good for you. They are high in fibre, low in fat and packed with vitamins and minerals. Research has shown that eating more can reduce the ris