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Is it better to store my patches and patterns on a Smartmedia card, or in the User memory?


Is it better to store my patches and patterns on a Smartmedia card, or in the User memory?


There a good and bad points to each of these methods. Storing to the user memory results in typically quicker scrolling through patterns and patches, and increased reliability in storing. However, there are some problems that occur occasionally with the MC505, that can only be fixed with a Patch or Factory reset. In those cases, all patches will be erased from the User memory. Storing to Smartmedia cards allows greater memory expansion, although then the user runs the risk of a card becoming corrupted, thereby losing important data. Saving data to a Smartmedia card is also noticeably faster than storing to the User memory. I would recommend storing to the Smartmedia card, and keeping an additional back up at all times. This should be sufficient to insure that you don’t lose any important patch or pattern data.

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