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Is it legal to manufacture defense systems?


Is it legal to manufacture defense systems?


Yes. It is perfectly legal to manufacture defense systems in the United States. Stavatti must register its defense manufacturing activities with the US State Department-Office of Defense trade Controls annually. Stavatti is registered as a prime contractor and manufacture of US Munitions List Items including Military Aircraft, Naval Vehicles and Projectile Armament Greater Than 50 Caliber. To produce certain defense systems, such as Firearms and Destructive Devices (Howitzers, Missiles, etc.), Stavatti must also receive approval from the ATF. Currently Stavatti produces only aircraft, with all armament systems (such as SM-36 Vulcan cannons), being considered Government Furnished Equipment (GFE). Stavatti has and is continuing to obtain the facilities (such as safe-storage magazines) and proper ATF licensing to integrate aircraft armament systems with aircraft. Currently there are numerous Prime Contractors such as Lockheed Martin, Boeing, General Dynamics, Alliant Techsystems and Unite

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.