Is it true that there are problems running Windows 95 Disk Defragmentation with JFW for Windows 3.0?
Typically the most risky disk tools are those which rewrite system files. There have been cases where Disk Defragmenter has caused the loss of an authorization key. To recover: start Microsoft Windows, start JFW, and move the Authorization Key onto the Authorization diskette. You can then perform the disk maintenance with no speech. When it is finished, move your Authorization Key back to the hard drive. As a result of a system failure the JFW Authorization Key was stamped with an incorrect date. To compound the problem I moved the key from the hard drive back to the Authorization disk before realizing that the date was incorrect. What do I do? Please e-mail us at JAWS@HJ.COM with your name, complete mailing address, serial number, and phone number. We will forward the information on to the appropriate department and get you a replacement disk. I installed JFW version 3.0. When I attempted to authorize the new installation I got the following error message:EROR:7028-4300-fe54 telling m