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Is Nutri-Cal® a product I can trust?

cal Nutri Product Trust

Is Nutri-Cal® a product I can trust?


Nutri-Cal® is the Number 1 organically complexed calcium product sold today. It is made by the C.S.I. Corporation; a family owned and operated fertilizer manufacturing company, which began in 1955 in Bondurant, Iowa. Until 1973, C.S.I. manufactured liquid fertilizers for grain farmers and other retail dealers throughout the mid-west. Since that time, we have diversified into the fruit, vegetable and turf markets throughout the United States and now, globally. We began developing a liquid calcium product for the corn and soybean market in 1973. Our soils tested high in calcium, but the pH was low in many soils because a lot of nitrogen was used, creating high hydrogen levels in the soil. We were selling ag lime to help correct this, but found that it took several years to break down and the soil tests were still showing the need for more lime (calcium) and the yields were not increasing.

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.