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Is taking non-vegetarian food wrong or sinful?


Is taking non-vegetarian food wrong or sinful?


No,because “jeevah jeevah khadati” – one creature feeds on another creature.But there are certain foods ,which are natural ,like the child who is nourished by his mother on her breast-feed.Human being eats vegetables and after his death his disintegrated body returns to the soil and becomes a part of the whole vegetable world.But killing an animal means we have finished the conciousness which had reached a higher level,and eating the flesh of a human means finishing the conciousness which had reached yet higher level than animals.Saints who have reached a highly evolved state of conciousness ,do not eat anything.Upasani Maharaj did not eat anything for one year.Some saints bring about such changes in their organic system that they can nourish themselves on the direct energy from sun.

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.