Is the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL) v1.2 a good licence?
No. All other FSF licences are excellent, but this one has problems. There are a few small problems that little people like to make big deal about, but the real problem is “Invariant Sections”. The GFDL allows an author to mark certain off-topic sections as being “Invariant”. These sections cannot be altered or omitted from altered versions of the book. FSF added this clause so that people publishing FSF books could be required to retain their section titled “Free Software needs Free Documentation” in printed and digital copies. That’s a good idea. But what about people that add Invariant sections such as “Why the US were right to invade Iraq”. I wouldn’t be able to distribute such a work. Or what if IBM decided to improve the content of a book I was working on, but their work included an Invariant Section titled “IBM is a great company because…”. If I wanted to add their technical improvements to my copy, I’d also have to add their Invariant Section which I dissagree with, and I’d h