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Is the weave an important thing to look at?

look thing weave
10 Posted

Is the weave an important thing to look at?


Bed sheet quality depends on the intricacy of weaving, larger the number of threads per square inch more intricate the weave and better the feel. Thread count helps determine the quality of the sheet and simply put is the number of threads in one square inch of fabric. Quality sheeting begins at 180 threads per square inch. The higher the thread count, the softer the feel of the sheet and the more pill resistant it will be. STANDARD: This weave is alternating one stitch over, one stitch under. SATEEN: (Not to be confused with satin). This has a stitch of four over, one under, placing the most threads on the surface, making it extremely soft, though slightly less durable than other weaves. PINPOINT: This is a stitch of two over and one under. This is more durable than a regular weave, but not as soft as sateen. When selecting your sheets, consider buying at least one quality solid sheet set to coordinate with your print bedding and other accessories.

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