Is there any difference beween the Neo-Nazis and the Nazi children/NS children ?
Most Neo-Nazis are mentally WWII fixed children of former anti-Nazi families. They are angry frustrated youngsters from our post-war Modernist societies that have nothing but relativist values to offer to the new generations. The Neo-Nazis use the insignia, the ceremonial and the language of the satanized Third Reich in order to obtain the maximum of chock effects in our contemporary society. They are products of political failures in the post-war societies. The Nazi children, the second generation of Nazis, are persons around sixty years old who by generational logics are both free from the past and anchored in the past. We seek an end of the continuous WWII celebrations. We seek a true reconciliation between the fighting European families. Can it be that the demonizing of humans during 60 years has produced hatred, irrational anger, demons ? The post-war democracies have not been able to establish a warm society.
Most Neo-Nazis are mentally WWII fixed children of former anti-Nazi families. They are angry frustrated youngsters from our post-war Modernist societies that have nothing but relativist values to offer to the new generations. The Neo-Nazis use the insignia, the ceremonial and the language of the satanized Third Reich in order to obtain the maximum of chock effects in our contemporary society. They are products of political failures in the post-war societies. The Nazi children, the second generation of Nazis, are persons around sixty years old who by generational logics are both free from the past and anchored in the past. We seek an end of the continuous WWII celebrations. We seek a true reconciliation between the fighting European families. Can it be that the demonizing of humans during 60 years has produced hatred, irrational anger, demons ? The post-war democracies have not been able to establish a warm society. Young extremists playing the game of the revolutionary and counter-revo