Is there fuel in the oil tank or LP gas tank?
Check your oil tank or LP gas tank tank gauge. Out of heating oil? If the marker in your oil tank gauge reads 1/8 full or less, or is at the bottom or out of sight you are probably out of oil. If your oil tank is buried, and if you do not have an indoor (remote) fuel level gauge, the oil level is checked in the tank by removing the tank filler pipe cap and using a long (clean) stick (or in emergency a clean string and weight) to measure the depth of heating oil in the tank. Out of LP liquid propane gas? Check the gauge on your propane tank. If the reading is 10% or less you are out of fuel. 4. Electric motor problem at the burner or blower fan: Check that an electric motor (for the oil burner, gas burner, or blower assembly) reset switch may have tripped. See our notes above about electric motors, and see Reset Switch – Electric Motors.