Is there government assistance for funeral expenses and widows pension?
In the province of Alberta, no one is ever denied the dignity of a funeral. If a family is unable to pay, the government department of Alberta Family and Social Services can provide assistance for basic funeral services, a casket, and cemetery or cremation fees. This assistance is available to those not eligible for Canada Pension Plan (CPP) benefits, and in most cases is offered to persons already receiving assistance from Alberta Family and Social Services. Assistance may also be offered to persons who are under the Assured Income for Severely Handicapped (AISH) program. And, for low-income widows and widowers between 55 and 64 years living in Alberta, the Alberta Widow’s Pension is available through Alberta Family and Social Services. To qualify, the widowed person must be a non-sponsored immigrant, born in Canada, or have been a resident of Canada for 10 years or more, and have a yearly income below $12,000. You must apply to receive Widow’s Pension benefits and payments are not re