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My library is registering for the NOVELNY databases. I am filling out the registration form and its asking me for an IP address. What is that?


My library is registering for the NOVELNY databases. I am filling out the registration form and its asking me for an IP address. What is that?


IP stands for Internet Protocol. Each computer has a unique IP address. An IP address is recognized by the database vendor and allows the library’s computers to access the Internet without using a user name or password. If you don’t know your library’s IP address, please check with your technology contact. You will also need the IP address of the library’s proxy server, if there is one. My library registered for the NOVELNY databases over 3 weeks ago and hasn’t heard anything. Call the NOVEL Help Desk to verify that your registration was received. Some database vendors can take as long as six weeks to process an application. Registered libraries are notified by an e-mail which gives them their URL and password information. My library’s IP addresses have changed. Whom do I contact? Contact a site administrator by e-mail at How can my library receive monthly usage statistics? Contact the Help Desk for instructions.

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.