My mom had lung cancer(gone)brain tumor(gone)radiation and doing well.Has lost 50#feels sick all time. Worry?
Matthew chapter 6 tells us not to worry, but you should be concerned. Depends what type of lung cancer. If this is a non-small cell lung cancer with brain metastasis, the prognosis is limited. This should have been – and may have been – explained by the doctors – – but often people chose not to hear news that is bad. I am a doctor, MD, cancer specialist with 20 years of experience with this situation. Lung cancer made up 15% of my practice. I would be concerned and (hopefully) realistic if this were my mother. I would focus on providing the best quality time possible with comfort measures and emotional support. The statements you make that the lung cancer is “gone” and the brain tumor is “gone” concerns me because advanced lung cancers are rarely curable. Perhaps this is true by the imaging studies, but the symptomatic evidence suggests that your mom is not doing very well. The imaging studies cannot see everything.